Sentiment Analysis of English Newspapers: A Corpus-based study

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


كلية اللغات وعلومها، جامعة الملك سعود


The theoretical and methodological approaches deployed in analyzing the data were corpus linguistics (CL) and sentiment analysis approach as a way of analyzing newspapers media discourse and sentiment representations of Saudi Arabia. The use of technology in extracting data for this study was a must due the huge amount of corpora texts which were investigated in the current research. The main source of data collection and analysis was done through sketch engine (SE). Also, the R programming language was used during the analysis process which provides several libraries for coding that makes it easier to conduct this type of research including: Tidyverse, Tidytext, Syuzhet, Textstem, Ggplot2, Readxl and Writexl. The newspapers corpora were extracted from SE dataset between the period of 1993-2013. Finally, the findings were classified in two ways: one was for each newspaper for the entire time period, and the second was for the entire newspapers’ corpora data together.

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